Cancel an Order

Order Cancellation and Refund Process

At Incredible Rugs and Decor, we understand that sometimes plans change, and you may need to cancel an order. We are here to help make this process as smooth as possible for you.

How to Cancel an Order

If you decide to cancel an order, please reach out to us with your order number. This will help us locate your order quickly and start the cancellation process right away. We prioritize every cancellation request to ensure it is handled promptly.

Refund Process

Once our manufacturer warehouse confirms that your order has been successfully cancelled, we will issue a refund immediately. Our goal is to process refunds quickly or we can carry over payment to a new item if you have an alternate rug or item that you prefer.

Orders Already Shipped

Occasionally, an order may be too far along in the shipping process to be cancelled. If this happens, don't worry—we are still here to help. We will provide you with a return authorization number (RMA) and detailed instructions on how to return the order for a refund.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or need help with cancelling your order, please contact us. We are committed to providing professional and respectful service to ensure your experience with us is exceptional.

Thank you for choosing Incredible Rugs and Decor. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to assisting you.

Feb 7, 2025

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